Form 410

OK, so there might be one other little problem.

Politicians don't like competition from the unwashed masses so they have this, now don't laugh, ethics in politics organization which says anyone who has money paid to them to support a candidate or issue or affect politics in any way needs to register as a "committee" and account for the money, have a bank account in its name, etc., etc....

Their definition of "money" include in kind help or assistance. So if a lawyer sends me some email and advice on how to draft the amendment, free gratis, pro bono, then according to the ethics in politics people I have "received a donation" in the amount of the time at normal billing rates of that lawyer....

The "limits" at which you must register a committee (within 10 days no less) is $1000 per calendar year. So a couple of emails and I'm in contravention of the law! Get this, within 90 days of the election I have to register daily online reports of donations and expenditure!

This is all to put the little guy out of the picture. This is why I'm doing this as a one man show to keep the costs down.

If you want to see all this for yourself see Manual.pdf and here

Last modified: Thu Jun 12 22:55:01 PDT 2008